
Ring Distributor

The ring distributor makes sure that the ring waps are optimally distributed into a coil, by using a rotating ring equipped with a wing to evenly displace/distribute the individual waps.

Efficient coil distribution

The ring distributor receives the coil waps from the Stellmor conveyor and distributes them down the pit tube in a rotating eccentric configuration where each individual wap is dropped a couple of degrees rotated from the previous wap, around the centre of the cone. This enables reduced coil height and gives better control of the coil shape as well as making the coil compressible in the Sund coil compactor. It also minimizes potential problems at later cooling, such as unevenly cooled coil waps.


A long-term partnership

Service, cost-effective spare and wear parts and upgrade programs. Safety, support and digital tools. We are in it for the long haul, making sure you maximize the return of your investment in Sund Birsta technology.

Every Sund Birsta unit is built with high-quality industrial components from leading suppliers. We take great pride in offering the same quality components as spare parts, readily available from our large stock.

Our workshop staff apply the same level of expertise and attention to detail in looking after your unit, that went into building it. From inspections to full machine rebuilds, we’ve got everything covered.

We have a wide range of solutions for handling all types of products – from durable infrastructure steel to exclusive materials and surface-treated products that must be handled with great care.

We have been supplying handling equipment to satisfied customers in the rolling mill industry for over 60 years and our solutions are suitable for plants of all sizes and types.

Related products

We have a wide range of solutions for handling all types of products – from durable infrastructure steel to exclusive materials and surface-treated products that must be handled with great care.